Blog Content

Sunday, November 28, 2010


This is a story of how I was almost KILLED (SET UP) by a WOMAN
which is why I find it funny that songs like GRENADE by BRUNO MARS are so popular....this dude wants to die for his woman? these BITCHES are the reason why we're always in danger in the first place...anyway enjoy the video and hopefully this NEVER happens to you

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Would you take a BULLET for me?

So this was a random but interesting question I had with an ex girlfriend of mine. LOL till this day I don't understand why women expect us men to be there FACKING knights in shining armor and jump in the face of danger to protect you....that ish is no longer happening ladies lol SORRY....Some women may be reading this now and are probably itching to cuss me out due to this...but c'mon ladies, really think of this scenario for a second...if you and I are walking down a dark ally and some dude pulls out a gun and goes to shoot at YOU..and I'm to dive in front of the bullet....keep in mind that the dude shot at YOU first...meaning you better pray that that was his only bullet otherwise there will be two wounded bodies in a dark alley as oppose to one (who could have probably taken you to the hospital)..I'm just sayin'

TACTIX visits the Toronto SEX EXPO 2010

Last friday I checked out the “Everything to do with SEX” expo in downtown Toronto, and I must say I had an AMAZING time, filled with inside jokes, and sexy times. If you've never been to the expo then I highly recommend that you check it out at least once....unless of course you're a complete PRUDE in which case, it'd probably be best to sit this particular trip out lol.

Monday, November 22, 2010


This is Gary the Intern (a character i'm working on)...he's kind of my alter ego...He's the epitome of what I'm always thinking but would never say out loud. Here are some of the things that Gary hates about the female gender.

Be sure to check out my other website

Friday, November 19, 2010

Should GIRLS approach GUYS?

So since the beginning of time it has always been more predominant for guys to approach women first. It all goes back to the Men being "the hunters" and Women "the nurturers"
Women have it so FACKING easy it's sickening...because ultimately they have the final say in regards to progression (in the initial stages anyway). I obviously can't speak on behalf of the entire male population but I for one am on the fence in terms of this question. I do like to know that I still have the ability to approach first and build rapport with a chick...(even despite nervousness) however, it is refreshing every now and then to get approached by a beautiful hard as it is for a guy to approach, I have to give credit where credit is due and say that it takes serious TESTICLES for a woman to approach a guy, considering the fact Women have far less experience approaching then us men do.

How to Deal with INSECURE WOMEN

Dealing with insecure women is never an easy task….then again dealing with women PERIOD is no walk in the park. Patience is definitely a virtue when dealing with an insecure women (especially if you as a man are extremely popular with the ladies). Women are far more sensitive than men are, which means that we always fall victim to their emotions and have to cater to their needs. Now don’t get shit twisted…I’m not saying you have to go into PUNK BITCH mode, but simply acknowledging your ladies insecurities and putting a lid on things before SHIT has a chance to erupt is always a GREAT!!! game plan.

If you have any questions you'd like me to answer then send them to

Ask a Player (Episode 1)

If you'd like to ASK the Player a Question send your questions to

How to SHOWER like a REAL MAN

Who says showering is just for washing and masturbation :)

 This is a parody video I made on what use to be my favourite movie as a kid
Click HERE to watch the Original "The Pest" shower scene....Right after you watch mine version down below first of course :P

The UNAIRED Mentos Commerical

After searching endlessly online, I accidentally stumbled upon a never before seen Mentos commercial that was never released on air. (haha this is what happens when you have WAY too much time on your hands)


So if you don't know who this new pop sensation is whose been having all these young "teeny boppers" going crazy, than you've probably been living under a rock somewhere.

I don't know the dude personally but I've seen a few interviews of him in the media and on youtube...and I can't help but get a sense that this lil dude is a tad bit cocky (of course that is just an assumption) for all I know he could be the most humble dude on the planet and it's just a marketing scheme that he's conveying. I'm just not a fan of cocky people (hence why I DISLIKE soulja boy with a passion, aside from his shitty music)

Anyway a long time ago I nearly got my ass kicked by my friends girl, who is absolutely in love with Justin Bieber (and whom is also 24 years old....can you say JAIL BAIT), she was shocked by the fact that I was not a Justin Bieber fan...but I mean c'mon REALLY? show me one grown ass dude who's got JB's album bumpin in there car.  Anyway this is how the whole situation went down....

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Welcome to the world of ME

That "Me" being yours truly, Tactix
welcome to my blog "Me with a grain of Salt" which means that anything you read or watch on here is not to be taken TOO!! SERIOUSLY. I like to think of myself as an amateur comedian, so a lot of what I say is simply for the LOLz.

I'm going to try and post as frequent as possible...HOWEVER if I happen to go M.I.A. on you guys it's not cause I don't love ya'll it's probably because I'm busy and could care less about you. (JUST KIDDING) 

No but seriously...I have my own youtube show called Real Talk Gurus which is a comedy sketch show hosted by myself along with 2 of my close friends in which we give relationship advice to the public. The show takes up a lot of my time so if you stumble upon here and notice there haven't been any recent posts in FOREVER, then feel free to Click HERE and check out the Real Talk Gurus Website and get your laugh on.